I Love Boston

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Text on Button I ♥ BOSTON
Image Description

Black text with red heart on white background.

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Boston is the capital of Massachusetts and the largest city in New England with a population of 694,583. The city was settled by Puritans from England in 1630, although Native Americans had inhabited the area since 2400 B.C.. Boston is known historically for several famous events that preceded the American Revolution such as the Boston Massacre in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party in 1773. Today, the city is known for its educational institutions which have a focus on law, science, and technology.  

This is a variation of the I heart NY logo that was created in 1977 by Milton Glaser for an ad campaign created by advertising agency Wells Rich Greene. The marketing campaign was sought by then-Deputy Commissioner William S. Doyle to increase tourism in the state of New York. The campaign was a wild success. The original sketch of the logo is permanently on display at the MOMA.

The logo has become iconic in pop-culture and has been imitated in many forms around the world.


History. (2019, May 7). Boston: A city steeped in U.S. history. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/us-states/boston-massachusetts


Catalog ID IL0125