Read Toledo-Lucas

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Text on Button UNLOCK THE SECRET…READ Toledo-Lucas County Public Library ANCIENT GREECE
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Illustration of man with gray hair and mustache wearing tan hat and trench coat reading a book on ancient Egypt surrounded by blue text with hieroglyphics on it and separated by Egyptian inspired lines on a white background.

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From the mid-1980's through the 1990's, the Toledo-Lucas County Library would give out a button to each person upon joining the Summer Reading Challenge and logging their first book. Each year was a unique design. The 1998 challenge was themed Ancient Egypt and the hieroglyphics in the “READ” text featured on the pin translate to, “Unlock the secret...Read.” Also featured on the 1998 participatory pin was a cartoon historian/archeologist based on David M. Noel, a member of the marketing department at the time.


Nancy Eames (Personal communication, June 11, 2020).

Catalog ID CA0801